Finally got the opportunity to take the new ride out. I met up with my good friend Javier and we headed out. Initially, we hit a few new spots up river that turned out to be a bust. I plan to go hit them again on a completely different tide and see if anything changes. Eventually, we made our way back to the Inlet to hunt for some Sheepshead. Barometric pressure was way down in the morning and it showed big time. Nothing was eating. The Sheepshead fishing was the slowest I've seen since the season started. It was clear that we needed to change it up and go with "Plan C", live Shrimp on a jig head up against the rocks.

This always produces. The outgoing tide was ripping too hard in the river to pitch jigs so we headed outside the north row. We got into position and right away Javier was rippin lips. The Reds were on a rampage! We were hooked up for a good hour straight with one Red after the other. Most fish were right at 26-27 inches. There were also a few smaller fish around 22-23 inches. We got one over slot around 29 inches as well as a few Rats. There were some Porgies around but not near as thick as they will be next month! Best tasting pan fish ever.


We were using 1/4oz, 2/0 Sheepshead jigs tied to 25LB mono leader. I prefer not to use Flourocarbon for this type of fishing. Mono is much cheaper and the snags are too intense to justify the expense. Mono gets the job done quite well. Another alternative is to use a 2/0 Owner Mosquito Hook and a 1/4oz Split shot on the same type of leader. This saves some money in the long run as Sheepshead jigs get expensive.

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